From Ellen:
They keep throwing this junk at us almost faster than we can respond. If we as Lyme disease patients and doctors want to resist those who seem determined to make Lyme disease a non-issue, we have got to resign ourselves to writing several letters a week. Otherwise, we are going to wind up without the medical care that keeps us from completely deteriorating,
The latest article in need of a letter writing campaign is from the New York Times Science section
There are several articles there about Lyme disease, but the one that is objectionable is Mary Duenwald's article, which I have copied below. (Ironically, in the same science section is a non-Lyme article about the problem of doctors treating symptoms rather than underlying illnesses.)
Letters about the Duenwald article can be sent to There are many points that can be made about this article, but the most serious point might be how one sided it is, since we know that there is great scientific controversy about Lyme disease. It is also fairly dangerous in that it in being so one sided it gives people a false sense of security. Also, the other articles on Lyme in the science section today include one on a vaccine and one on prevention, and one might wonder why they are needed if Lyme is as easily cured as Duenwald suggests.
At any rate, please write and please keep writing as we send out action alerts about various items that need our attention during this period of crisis.
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