Welcome to Lyme Info! This site provides details about Lyme disease symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Advocacy info and peer-reviewed medical literature are also available. You will find articles as well as an extensive directory of information about Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections. We hope this website will help you find exactly what you need. If you are just starting your search, see our Lyme Disease Overview.
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Medical Literature Summaries:
Highly Informative downloadable summaries of peer-reviewed, scientific literature. The topics covered include: Lyme disease symptoms, seronegativity (negative blood tests), persistent infection despite treatment, and extensive data on the cystic form of the Lyme disease bacterium. See: Lyme Disease Files.
Great Lyme Disease Links:
The following items will take you offsite. The first link is a must read introduction to Lyme disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention. It also provides information on babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, bartonella and rocky mountain spotted fever. The next 2 links are from a professional medical organization, the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society.
Lyme Disease and associated tick-borne diseases: The Basics
ILADS Lyme Disease Basic Information
ILADS Lyme Disease Medical Guidelines
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Please Note:
This site exists for informational purposes, and nothing contained on these pages should be considered medical advice. Please read our Full Disclaimer. Best wishes to you as you explore this website to learn more about Lyme disease.