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A review of the medical literature reveals the many complexities of the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi.

Lyme Disease is a multi-system illness. The spirochete that causes Lyme has been found in all areas of the human body including, but not limited to, the brain, blood, organs and bone marrow. In the past its close cousin, Syphilis, was dubbed "The Great Imitator" because it has these same properties. Today, Lyme Disease is "The New Great Imitator" for it has the ability to mimic a multitude of illnesses. If the infection is left uncontrolled it can do a great deal of damage to the body. The results of this damage are often mistaken for that of other disease processes at work due to the overwhelming lack of knowledge and understanding of this disease by the general medical community. The widespread symptoms caused by Lyme are documented in the symptoms file.

Although the persistence of Lyme disease is the cause of much controversy, the scientific literature at this website reveals that Lyme disease is in fact known to persist following antibiotic treatment. The summaries of peer-reviewed medical literature further help to understand WHY the immune system and/or antibiotics often fail to destroy the bacteria, and why certain patients relapse when treatment is discontinued. The ability of Bb to transform to & form resistant coccoid forms provides the scientific explanation. It also explains a number of other "mysteries" that the prevailing paradigm of the disease does not, namely: latency, seronegativity, and the waxing & waning nature of Lyme symptoms.

The topics covered in the medical literature summaries at this website include: documented symptoms of Lyme disease, persistent infection despite antibiotic treatment, seronegative Lyme disease, and an extensive collection of photographs and quotations on the cystic form of the Lyme disease bacterium.