CALL TO ACTION 2007 #3 (March 26)
from Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA)
Check Out
LDA's expanded new Federal Legislation webpage Everything is there to make it easy for you to keep informed and to contact your congressperson, including sample meeting agenda and hand-in materials. -
WHO: All groups (Lyme, non-Lyme, & corporations)
WHAT: Sign up to support federal legislation HR 741
WHERE: LDA website -
1. This is a NEW bill--organizations that signed up in support of bill last year need to sign up again for HR 741
2. Go to
3. Click on link for organization SIGN UP
4. Lyme groups and non-Lyme group or corporations can sign up to support the bill
5. A list of groups supporting the bill will appear on the website soon. -
WHEN: As soon as possible
WHY: We need to let legislators know we have most Lyme groups on board the legislation to have a chance of it being considered for a vote. Last year we had over 100 groups signed in support. This year we want to get businesses on board, too. We can use this to get media attention also.
FEDERAL LEGISLATION All individuals and groups continue to get your legislators as cosponsor on the bill. We want to have a big total by April 15 for publicity purposes. We have 31 cosponsors to date. Congratulations VT at 100%, RI at 100% and MD at 75% of house reps signed onto HR 741 to date.
1. Go to
2. Click on your state to see current cosponsors.
3. Individuals focus on your congressman.
4. Organizations focus on all congressmen in your advocacy area.-
PETITION Congratulations! We have surpassed 25,000 signatures to date on the Guidelines petition. We have generated much publicity with the petition and plan to use is in the near future to further the Lyme disease cause's agenda to revoke the IDSA guidelines &/or to have them removed from the CDC website. Continue new sign-ons. -
1. Click on and scroll down to SIGN PETITION HERE
2. Or click on SIGN PETITION HERE to see number signed up or to sign up if you have not done so. - RESOLUTIONS Twenty-three (23) groups have adopted a formal resolution to date asking for the revocation of the IDSA guidelines.
1. Click on and scroll down to "All Lyme disease groups"
2. Or click on All Lyme disease groups: for resolution
3. Adopt it at your next meeting. Send LDA a copy to - FORBES We have been told that Forbes was deluged with letters. A number of entities have received response letters from Forbes. Some have indicated the issue is being explored. If you have not written yet, please write now.
1. For article, click link & then sign in
2. See CALL TO ACTION 2007 #2 issued Feb. 25 for details
Together, we are making a big difference!
Pat Smith
Lyme Disease Association, Inc.
PO Box 1438
Jackson, NJ 08527
888-366-6611 information line
732 938-7215 fax