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CALL TO ACTION 2009 #1 (Feb. 25, 2009)
from Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA)

Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Prevention, Education & Research Act of 2009
LDA, TFL, CALDA hire DC lobbing firm to assist patients' efforts

  • At the end of 2008, the 110th Congress ended. In spite of our best efforts during the last Congress and redoubled efforts in the last three months of 2008 to pursue other avenues, all bills not acted upon died, including the Lyme bills. The sponsors agreed to reintroduce in the next Congress.
  • 116 House Members from 30 states signed on to cosponsor the House bill during the last session.

  • The 111th Congress convened in January 2009, and the new version of the Lyme bill, HR 1179, was introduced Feb. 25, 2009 by US Representative Christopher Smith of New Jersey [for himself, Mr. Tim Holden (PA), Mr. Bart Stupak (MI), and Mr. Frank Wolfe (VA)].
  • To see the bill wording, go to the Lyme Disease Association's newly designed Legislative web site and click on the link marked BILL TEXT
  • The bill provides $100 million over 5 years for Lyme disease research, prevention, physician education and the formation of a federal Advisory Committee.
  • Congressman Chris Smith carefully reviewed all the past bill language, including committee structure and function, for clarifications, updates, and added a few new additions to make the bill stronger. He took into consideration input from other congressmen and their constituents. To see a list of minor changes that were made to the 2009 bill, go to BILL TEXT
  • The Senate Bill is expected to be introduced shortly.

  • In the fall of 2008, we worked with a lobbyist to develop strategies consisting of a multi-prong initiative which will engage congressmen in additional efforts to get recognition and monies for Lyme disease. In 2009, the Lyme Disease Association, Time for Lyme, and the California Lyme Disease Association hired a lobbyist to lead the efforts for bill passage and for other avenues in DC. The firm is the largest independent government affairs firm in Washington, DC.

  • Go to LDA's LEGISLATION PAGE for a listing of US House Members and contact information listed by state. A link for sample blurbs and letters is located at the top of the page. Please contact your own US House Member (not Senators). Tell him/her to sign onto the bill as a co-sponsor.

  • To add cosponsors and have a hearing on the bill, so it can move to the House floor for a vote.

Thanks to everyone's efforts last year, many more officials became educated about Lyme & tick-borne diseases. We thank you for your actions and continuing support. Together, we will get government to focus attention & resources on this disease.

For more information, go to, Click Legislation on top menu.