On the Web, The Star Democrat is read the world over
Victims show support for Lyme disease bill
Diagnosis was elusive for woman with Lyme disease
March 10 & 11, 2005
For a tape of the hearing, call 410-841-3000 and
ask for the Dept. of Legislative services.
A librarian will make a copy of a CD in mp3 format.
Tell them the hearing was Mar. 10 for bill # SB596
Address any additional questions to the above number.
The cost is approx. $7.
Lyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland
Compiled for Web by LymeInfo.Net
Maryland Lyme Disease Bill Set for Hearing
March 10, 2005
Lyme Disease Bill
Maryland Senators Colburn, Dyson, Jacobs and Stolzfus have recently introduced a comprehensive Lyme Disease Bill. The bill, # SB596, has basically been designed to provide necessary treatment for those with Lyme and other tick borne diseases. It will permit physicians to properly treat patients without being unjustly persecuted or being required to adhere to restrictive or outdated guidelines, and will provide basic insurance coverage for treatment. Lyme Disease Bill SB596:http://mlis.state.md.us/2005rs/bills/sb/sb0596f.pdf
Two Legislative Hearings
Public hearings were scheduled for March 10 & 11, 2005. The first hearing, by the Senate, addressed the bill mentioned above. About 150 people showed up from all around MD and a few from other states to show their support for the bill. The second hearing, in the House, addressed a separate bill to create a Lyme disease task force.News
At last, action on the Lyme Disease front, Feb. 27
Assembly to look at Lyme disease diagnosis, treatment, Mar. 4
Speak up for bill to give better Lyme Disease care, Mar. 8
Star Democrat Hearings List, see Friday
See bottom right corner of above articles to comment on each
Or, letters to Star Democrat - OTHER PAPERS:
Daily Times Article, March 6
Daily Times, March 10
Click to send letter to Daily Times editor
Cambridge Daily Banner Hearings List
Legislature Links
Maryland General Assembly Homepage
Listen to Proceedings Online
March 10 Senate Hearings (Expired Link)
March 11 Assembly Hearings (Expired Link)