CALL TO ACTION 2009 #8 (August 18, 2009)
from Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA)
- In This Issue:
-- History
-- Take Action Now
-- Goals
The Lyme bills (HR 1179/S1352) have been introduced into Congress and are picking up co-sponsors. Currently, we need more co-sponsors for those bills. -
- The House Lyme bill, HR 1179, was introduced Feb. 25, 2009 by US Representative Christopher Smith of New Jersey [for himself, Mr. Tim Holden (PA), Mr. Bart Stupak (MI), and Mr. Frank Wolfe (VA)].
- The companion Senate Lyme bill, S1352, was introduced June 25, 2009 by Senator Christopher Dodd (CT) and Senator Susan Collins (ME).
- To see the bill wording, click for the House HR 1179 Bill Text [LYMEINFO NOTE: (pdf file)] and for the Senate S 1352 Bill Text [LYMEINFO NOTE: (pdf file)].
- The bills provide $100 million over 5 years for Lyme disease research, prevention, physician education and the formation of a federal Advisory Committee.
- To see a list of minor changes that were made to the 2009 bill, go to BILL TEXT.
Go to LDA's LEGISLATION PAGE for a listing of US House and US Senate Members and contact information by state. -
- Click on your state.
- A link for sample blurbs and letters is located at the top of the page.
- Check the listing to see if they are co-sponsors.
- If they are not co-sponsors, please contact your own US House Member (one) and 2 Senators.
- Tell him/her/them to sign onto the bill as a co-sponsor.
- - To add cosponsors and have a hearing on the bill, so it can move to the House and Senate floor for votes.
Thanks to everyone's efforts, we have already been successful in getting
Lyme disease language including the words "chronic Lyme disease" and
"persistent infection" into the House and Senate Appropriations Bills.
You can read about it on the website LINK TO APPROPRIATIONS.
We also had representatives from Congressman Smith's office, Senator Dodd's office, CDC, NIH and the Office of Inspector General attend the IDSA hearing in Washington, DC. We are being heard.
At the state level, we were successful in passing a doctor protection bill at ground zero in CT.
Many more officials have become educated about Lyme & tick-borne diseases. We thank you for your actions and continuing support. Together, we will get government to focus attention & resources on this disease.
Previous LDA Action Items:
2009 Action #1
2009 Action #2
2009 Action #3
2009 Action #4
2009 Action #5
2009 Action #6
2009 Action #7